In case you missed it!
CLICK THIS LINK for the full May newsletter recounting some deep learnings while midway through my RV Road trip across the United States of America. Not gonna lie, in this edition, I was much more vulnerable in my writings and dug deep to communicate the things I have learned and have been working on. Hope it stirs up some deeper thoughts within you my friend.
11738 Kilometers. 27 days. 8 National Parks. 11 States.
Here’s a map of my travel spots. If you’d like a more intimate journey follow, click the button below for my Polarsteps travel log. It’s definitely a play by play vicarious experience!
Topics of this newsletter include:
Vulnerable with Family is essential
Using Old Personas to fix new paradigms
Shoot first aim second
When you feel like the walls are caving in
Go fast, go alone. Go far, go together.
Commitment is the key.
Consistency is the lock.
Perspective is the door through everything.
Books I’m enjoying on the RV trip