DESCRIPTION: Kinstretch® is a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, mobility, flexibility and usable ranges of motion. This workshop series is great for a wide range of participants where all levels are welcome. It assists people with injuries, competitive athletes, and everyday gym/studio-goers who are interested in becoming more connected and in control of their body. Simply put, Kinstretch is where injury prevention meets high performance, with Julian's unique touch of Mindfulness coaching.
Julian's unique approach to teaching the science is through relatability, where he enjoys sharing real-life examples to bring more value and utility to the material. Each class will include a balance of mindfulness practice, breathwork, and active Kinstretch training. His demeanor is a blend of zen-calm, light-hearted, and focused. Participants will leave each workshop class feeling mentally and emotionally balanced, and physically tuned up (like they went to see the mechanic) and in harmony. Please follow him on IG, learn more about him on his website, and discover more about Kinstretch here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Kinstretch® with Julian Ho
What is Kinstretch?
Mobility Training, Joint Strengthening, and body control
Taught through group classes, workshops, and 1:1 coaching
How will it benefit me?
It bulletproofs your joints - strengthening the muscle tissues and neural networking surrounding the joints
It helps you move smarter by correcting form imbalances and compensation patterns
It boosts performance by increasing stability, usable ranges of motion, and motor control
How often do I need to do it to see the benefits?
Depending on the condition of your joints, 1-3x per week is recommended. Doing a group class 1x per week is highly recommended for injury prevention and overall maintenance. Doing specific daily Kinstretch exercises can also fast track injury recovery and sport specific strength. But best done for daily joint health maintenance, just like flossing your teeth.
Is it the same as mobility?
It is mobility training, but instead of just increasing range of motion and flexibility, Kinstretch also focuses on increasing the strength and control of the joints and tissues.
How is it compared to Yoga?
Yoga works more on flexibility, Kinstretch works more on mobility and joint strength. Kinstretch can be seen as a great compliment to Yogis with hypermobility by offering stability training.
Yoga is a mind, body, and spirit enhancement system where the focus of the movement aspects is on flexibility. Kinstretch is also a movement enhancement system, but deals more with the neuroscience and musculoskeletal aspects of the mind and body.
Does it help with Running?
Yes! It helps strengthen areas that are weak and lengthen areas that are tight and restricted. Kinstretch is also a self-assessment tool for injury prevention. Not only will it help improve your running gait, it will help you quickly assess how ready your body is that day for intensity, heightening your mind-body connection.
Can I still do it if I have an injury?
Yes! Kinstretch is a proactive rehabilitation (prehab) movement modality. Latest sports science research supports the acronym M.E.A.T. for injuries:
M.E.A.T. is an acronym for movement, exercise, analgesia, and treatment. It's a modern approach to treating injuries, especially for athletes and active people. The goal of M.E.A.T. is to help you heal faster, reduce the risk of re-injury, and restore function.
MEAT can help you:
Increase blood flow to injured areas
Reduce the formation of scar tissue
Decrease pain, swelling, and stiffness
Return to work earlier
Increase range of motion
Have fewer complications and residual symptoms
Is it hard?
Kinstretch is accessible to all levels. What’s unique is that the intensity depends on the user, you can challenge yourself to work more intensely, or you can just work at a pace that suits your energy level that day. Modifications are always provided to ensure safe movement intervention.
Is it safe?
Yes! Because Kinstretch is all about body control and focusing on the details, the user is always made aware and reminded to be in control of their boundaries. There are no external items that force the user into compromising actions and compensations (machines or weights), it is all done within the comfort of your own body mechanics.
Kinstretch was created by Doctors of Chiropody, Physical Therapists, and Physiotherapists, so it has been designed with the most evidence based rigour for health and safety.
Who is it for?
Kinstretch is for all levels ranging from pro athletes to those with injuries, from young students to seniors to corporate workers.
Where can I learn more?
Can you tell me about Coach Julian?
Julian is a newly certified and licensed Kinstretch Coach but has 15+ years of movement and life coaching experience. He is known for his holistic approach as he helps clients become aware of all aspects of the human (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, occupational, etc.) as a means to bolster the physical training. He is a balance of zen-calm and motivational with a splash of silliness.
His high EQ empowers him to connect more deeply with his students and build rapport and trust very quickly. His athletic background is in Ultramarathon Running and sports like soccer, basketball, and tennis.
His educational background is rooted from an Honours Bachelor Degree in Kinesiology at Western University.
Workshop 1 - PAILs/RAILs (Loading)
Workshop 2 - Base Positions (Isometric Movement Paths)
Workshop 3 - Hinges (Linear Movement Paths)
Workshop 4 - Hovers (Isometric Strength)
Workshop 5 - Lift Offs & Overs (Concentric and Eccentric Strength)
Workshop 6 - Kinetic Stretches (Motor Unit Recruitment under tension)
(*Workshops will overlap in material but will feel uniquely different each class*)
Sample Workshop Class Format:
Breathwork / Downregulation
Base Position Scanning (End Range Exploration)
Movement Flows (Kinetic Stretch / Isometric Movement Pathways)
*Focus of the Day
Self-Practice Drills
Mindfulness Meditation
Yoga Mat
Yoga Blocks
Athletic Apparel
No Shoes
Engagement Protocol:
Step 1 - Inquire via Contact Form or email
Step 2 - Julian will reply within 48 hours with a response for a consultation on logistics, needs, wants
Step 3 - Julian to send Invoice
Step 4 - Client E-Transfers funds
Step 5 - Conduct workshop
Step 6 - Follow up within 48 hours of workshop completion
Cost - TBD
Invoice - Receipt/Invoice will be provided
Duration - 60-90 minutes
Delivery - In-Person, Virtual, Hybrid (details to be discussed)