This marks the first of four newsletter articles that I’ve decided to turn into blog posts as a way to share this incredible life changing trip during incredibly difficult times. It’s a bit odd reflecting about this 7 month trip from the otherside of accomplishing it. As an ultra endurance athlete, this trip is pretty much a race like I’ve never experienced nor expected. Races are planned out, predictable for the most part, and have a clear start and end. This trip was on another level of life.
The trip uniquely occurred over COVID times, from the start of a second lockdown in Ontario (first was in the spring of 2020), the second was in the fall of 2020, which is when I just had enough! So I packed my bags, and went on this journey I had been wanting to do since 2018. But due to great career opportunities, I decided to “Eat-Pray-Love” later, and seize career advancement instead.
You can choose to read/listen to this article first, or follow in sequence from the beginning of my trip to now.
PREFACE: this unique 4 part series is not a recollection of my trip, it is a re-publishing of my newsletter articles that I sent privately to my subscribers while I was on my trip, but now releasing it publicly. So it recounts what I was going through, but in the perspective of Julian at those moments in time! (A bit of back to the future publishing if you ask me).
Enjoy the series and do not hesitate to comment or reply to me for any questions about Costa Rica.
I’ve decided to shift with the times and audio record my long-form newsletter articles (by popular demand). Click below to have a listen. But also, the original newsletter article is available for you too if you’re a reader. Below are also the photos I used in my articles for your reference.